There are a number of different ways in which your property can be valued. What you need to know about commercial property valuations is that they are more important then you may think. If you are interested in buying, selling, insuring or just getting the information you need for tax purposes then you need to understand how commercial property valuations are conducted.

Depending on why exactly you need your commercial property to be valued will determine how it may be approached. Commercial property valuations are extremely important nowadays as they provide an accurate overall price. You need to know what this valuation may be for a number of different reasons. It will basically help you to understand exactly how much the commercial property is worth. This comes in extremely handy when you are interested in selling or buying commercial property. If you want to buy, the valuation will look into different aspects to that of if you wanted to sell. When it comes to buying commercial property or land the following valuation methods are used:

Repayment method

Investment method

Residual method

Cost method

If you are interested in selling your commercial property then it is best to look into the comparable method. This will provide a comparison between the other properties that are situated around you. Depending on their worth, as well as the suburb that you are situated in can determine how much your property will be worth. Basically, it looks into the average cost of the properties around, which then allows for an accurate assessment on the price for your property. Ultimately it will provide what is known as an Open Market Value.

There are other reasons apart from selling and buying to have a commercial property valuation conducted. Insurance is another extremely important aspect to consider as a property owner. However, Market Value estimations should not be used to determine the price of insurance. In this case a Replacement Cost of Reproduction Cost approach is often used. They will both provide you with enough information to determine how much you should be insuring your company as well as all its assets for. This is highly important so that you can guarantee that your business is one hundred percent covered regardless of the circumstance you may face were you to claim. All in all valuations of any description will provide you with peace of mind and the ability to make sound decisions as a business owner.

Get your property valued today

If you want to get your property valued today and also get an added bonus of a special then you need to come to us at The Property Partnership. Not only can we provide you with professional and reliable service, but we have a special offer valid until March 31st 2015! If you instruct us to carry out a market valuation for you we will also provide you with an insurance estimate at no extra cost. Alternatively, with any balance sheet valuations we are instructed to do we will also provide an insurance estimate and residual value at no extra cost. For the terms and conditions of this special visit our website today!